Saturday 12 October 2013

Badgers Eat With Cats

We have four resident badgers (wild) that live under some of the cabins here at the sanctuary.  These are photos of the badgers eating peacefully with the cats.  Though!  There have been instances of cat - badger disagreement..  Once a cat began growling at the badger.  He swatted at the badger and caught his claw in the badger's snout.  The badger did nothing.  Eventually the cat was able to free his claw and the group carried on eating together.

Tripod & His Story

This is Tripod.  A woman rang me 5 years ago to ask if I would take a cat.  She said she thought it had a sprained front paw.  She told me she had seen the cat on the pavement and a woman had picked it up by the tail and thrown it over a hedge.  She went into the garden to have a look, picked up the cat, and took it home.  She spent the next 3 weeks trying to get someone to take it and someone told her about my rescue center Joan's Arc.  When I met the woman she turned out to be in her sixties wearing a lot of gold jewelry and also discovered she had a shop Ladies Fashions.  She had not bothered to take the cat to a vet so by the time I got him it was too late and his leg had to be amputated.  He also had a problem with his stomach and needs to have very expensive prescription food from the vet - which is the reason he is still with me.

Friday 4 October 2013

Don't Know Where Else To Look...

Very excited to announce that our first official online fundraising site is up and running!  Please visit our fundraiser at the following link and help in any way you can:

Saturday 28 September 2013


We could use donations of money and dog/cat food.  Quality items that could go to auction or donated blankets in good shape would also be appreciated.  Please contact Joan Emin by email:

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Joans Arc Animal Sanctuary in Glangevlin (County Cavan), Ireland is dedicated to providing sanctuary & rehabilitation to abused and dislocated animals.  Primarily hosting cats and dogs, Joan's Arc has started this blog in hopes of:
  • Rehoming animals
  • Sharing information with potential partners and (wwoof) volunteers
  • Keeping the public up to date with projects here at the sanctuary
  • Raising awareness about relevant animals rights issues
  • Fundraising to support the animals
We hope you follow and support our blog!  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or inquiries.

[Article by Samantha Mairson]